Business, Busyness, Risk and Change

Just over two weeks. Unemployed. Its not so bad. My wife is very supportive and encouraging. She knew that the position that I had held for two years was very hard on my heart and head.

 Two years ago when we were both offered positions with this non-profit in another town, I was apprehensive, but excited. We were in love, and this was a big step into a new life together. The current Director at the faith based org where I was working told me it would be very hard.

And it was. Very hard.

 But I was ready to jump into this. “Yes” was my mantra now. Most of my adult life it had been “No” or “Maybe, let me think about it.” (more like overthink, ruminate, chew the cud, until the choice was taken from me)

 Procrastination mixed with negative thought patterns, a somewhat comfortable status quo(working in successful, small town, family business for thirty years) made it difficult to cultivate a mindset of risk and change. To my parents generation, leaving any position after only two years(without a solid backup plan and paid employment) would be considered a flaky decision.

 Today, not so much. Movement, change, adaptability is the norm in this century. I think I have a young enough attitude to flex with the times, to mold myself into new shapes.

 Change is good. Transformation at any age keeps the mind, body and soul from stagnating.

My Faith tells me that my loved ones and me will be taken care of.

 “Yes” is the only way forward, to success…again.